Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oct. 31st, 2005

Yay. Another holiday I could be spending with family and friends but instead have to spend working away at the computer trying to put together a website about traveling to the Midwest. As if I'll ever develop the urge to go to Des Moines, Iowa anytime soon. (Would anyone really?)

Well, some highlights from Friday to present.

Friday: Got hijacked on a special "newbie" field trip into what passes for civilization up here in Assend, Maine.

We spent an hour wandering through the Arostook county, "Mall". Have you ever entered a building and felt it utterly devoid of life, energy, and the presence of humanity? Well, the "mall" was no where near as pleasent.

They had a B.Daltons, which is basically a poor man's Waldonbooks. It's mute testimony to the franchise when I realize that this "mall" is the only place on Earth where I have seen a B. Daltons. Although I know it is a chain owned and operated by the Borders empire I couldn't help but feel as though I were walking through an impoverished Third World soup kitchen.

There was an "arcade" with no patrons, no attendents, no counter full of cheap plastic items to obtain in exchange for the points you win in skiball. I even saw a cheap knock off of Hot Topic, but it was brightly lit, there was no insense in the air, no displays full of lewd yet utterly hilarious refridgerator magnets, nor was there even a clerk at the counter. People could have run in and shoplifted the entire fucking store and no one would have been there to stop them. Incedently there were no security guards to speak of either, not that anyone would cause much trouble in a place like this.


Ironically, I take a small comfort in knowing that my paylines will be entirely devoted to my credit cards, so that I have no need to go to the "mall"...ever...ever.

The weekend actually wasn't bad. Saturday evening I went on a rec trip to the community college in Presque Isle. It was a presentation given by this "Ghost Hunter", documenting his thirty years of experience as an investigator into the paranormal. I wish I could remember his name now because he also announced that he had a book due for release this november, and I would love to read it. He showed us all of these cool pictures of places he had visited and of objects in his musuem that had been cursed. It was really quite awesome.

Sunday I entered a chess tournament. I got my ass kicked of course because in the first round I was too busy making fun of a kid who was playing Yu-Gi-Oh and telling us all about his "martial arts training" by a "martial arts master". He sounded so much like Bigly from "Lilo and Stitch" that it was damn near impossible not to say, "Haff you seen little girl and 626?"

I would have done all right my second game, except I was so focused on getting his queen to run that I ended up actually losing my own queen in a move I should have been able to block.

So, all in all, aside from being forced to go on a "special trip" that I would have gladly traded a week's worth of wisdom teeth operations for, I made it through my second week at the Loring Center.

In other news I haven't had anywhere near my required allotment of pumpkin pie this fall. I'll have to make up for it on Christmas break when I go home.

Current Music: Wake Me Up When September Ends-Green Day

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