Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jun. 17th, 2005

Staff and students are slowly being weeded out by our new contractors. Newer and stricter punishments are being brought against students that do not want to get a clue and stop screwing around. And staff members that are moving to slowly to keep up with the change in pace are being dropped as well. Is this process entirely fair? Of course not. Some students who really do try hard and get screwed over anyway are going to suffer, and staff memebers that get along well with students will get dropped as well. But the sad fact of the matter is that when you can't get with the program you do get dropped, no matter how good you are. Our Business Instructor, Mrs. Griffen is one of the teachers slated to go. We're not sure of this specifically, but word of mouth has given me heads up on who to expect to be gone when we return from summer break. Also the standards for staff in the education department have been upped to include a minimum associates degree in teaching. That suits me well because as much good as Mrs. Griffen has done she's also terribly trained by obvious default. After all she was hired right off the street with a dated education and no computer knowledge whatsoever, and she also gets into heated arguments with students on far too many occasions. I find it a small comfort to know that the people who should be on the side of the students but tend to give Mrs. Griffen more support, may also be dropped as well. This tells me that our new contractors have some idea of what kind of environment is needed on this center.
 Also, three of our current student leadership have been sent on investigative leave. (Most notably two of those leaders were our Student Assistant Residential Advisor-ASRA and our Head Section Leader-HSL) With this in mind I am now making my last and final bid for student leadership. I have all ready asked for letters of recommendation from people I think would help me immensley, because the person in charge of leadership here is terribly biased. No matter what I say or do nothing will budge her, and therefore I'm hoping letters from people higher up will sway her the other way. Given that these leaders were dropped because they were trying to take pictures of girl's boobs my need to convince this woman of my responsibility in comparrison will be needless at best.

This article was talking about the increasing popularity and success of web comic writers and artists. And it got me to thinking, Daryll and I are working on our own graphic novel of sorts. Given how hard it is to get published these days perhaps it would be better if we tried to put ourstuff online. The obvious advantage here is that most of what you put online lasts for a very long time. Your fans basically determine whether or not you sink or float and if they love you enough they'll gladly fork over the cash to keep you going. The trouble is it's a real fifty/fifty chance. The best bet for comic writers starting out on their own is to have their own website, like Megatokyo and Sluggy Freelance. But Daryll and I are hampered by a few things that make it increasingly difficult to go down this road. One we're sepperated by a three hour drive. Secondly, we lack the scanner and the web programming knowlege to make a fully functional quality website. I'm sure I could get some IT student to help us out for a few bucks, but that would require some monetary endowments on our part.
Perhaps I should wait until we have a functioning comic before making any plans about financial gain...

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