Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Aug. 5th, 2005

Basically the students here at Job Corps, myself included could get scattered to the four winds soon. All because the mayor of Vergennes thinks the federal government owes her-oops, I mean Vergennes money. The city believes otherwise but I digress. The point is that I don't have enough money to live in Burlington like I had planned, and as it stands I wouldn't last long even if I did since I don't have a job.
Well, one of the recruiters told me about the Loring center in Limestone, Maine just on the border of Canada. It's a more secluded spot, but apparently they're more respecting of adults. (As in since I'm 22 I'm going to be treated like it) They have a web design program, which I could use to supplement my business technologies trade and I think it might be up my alley.
Well, I'll give it a shot. One way or the other I need a plan or I'm fucked.

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