Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Aug. 18th, 2005

Well, yesterday of the 17th was techincally the "anniversary" of the first day I arrived here. Not that I was really celebrating what with the absense of alcohol and all, but I diguress.

Up at Dorm 25 we've been having a series of "fire drills" in the last week. Yesterday at around 5:30 pm we had the fifth fire drill in two weeks. Naturally everyone was upset about this. So when we complained to the boys from security who started it they, along with the RA in charge of the dorm that evening, gave us a bunch of BS about needing to be ready in the event of a fire. Once a month would be one thing, several times in one week is not only degrading it's pathetic.

So Joe, one of the new security guys says, "Well if you keep complaining about it we'll do it every night. 1-2 o'clock in the morning."

Let me break that down for you. The security boys threatened to abuse the fire alarms so as to punish us for complaining. Never mind that the city very recently threatened to take away fire protection services, but now we're about to abuse a SAFETY MEASURE as a form of punishment.

I went to Lionel, the new Center Standards Officer and told him what Might Joe Dick said. Lionel's reaction was, "That's not going to happen."

I talk to Amanda, the RA in charge of the night shift. She said, "That's not going to happen. I'm the 411 for this evening and I won't put up with that."

Then this morning I went to Mary from security. I told her what MJD said. I also threw in the bit about what the fire marshal might think of such abuse. Her reaction was, "I'm going to have a talk with him right away. That's not going to happen and you have my word on that."

So for those of you keeping score, that's Nathanielle Crawford undefeated and Job Corps pwned.
Current Mood: satisfiedsatisfied
Current Music: Madonna-Papa Don't Preach

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