Tuesday, April 19, 2011

May. 12th, 2005

So much has happened and yet I've been reluctant to post it on LJ. One of the problems with the Internet is that if you don't update frequently you end up feeling like an ass.

So let me give you the play by play for the last couple of weeks. Not much happened until my case manager asked me if I'd like to go on a tour of the North Grafton Job Corps center, where they offer advanced training. I had expressed an interest in doing the Residential Youth Life Coordinator (OR something like that) trade and since I'm two packets away from finishing the Business Trade I felt the extra training would be worth it.

So I agree, and a long week passes before the final event. Fastforward to this past Monday when I went to get my payline. I'm an hour away from leaving. But my friend Amber, who is also going with me to check out the center, isn't in her workplace attire because she didn't think she'd be able to get her payline. I didn't think I'd be able to either, because they kept telling us we'd be leaving an hour earlier. So I asked Anna Grady and Paula Charbennou, the women who handle the men during payline, if there was any way an exception could be made for Amber. For the non Corps members reading this, normally you can't get your payline if you're not dressed in either your trade uniforms or your standard corps uniform. (blue polo shirt, baige khakis, and braided brown belt) But I figured this was a special situation, so they could give Amber a break. We did have, after all, an hour layover in the Albany bus station, and it would have been nice if she could have had something to eat while we were there.

Then I made a drastic mistake. I told Joe Tucker, one of the security guys, in what I thought was a joking tone, that I would so bad mouth Northlands when I got to Grafton. He apparently, "took it seriously", and told Sue Magill, the wench responsible for sending recommendations for advanced training. Apparently she, the work based learning coordinator Jeff Scott, and the security supervisor Bill Cohn all thought I was seriously planning on doing this. (It never once occurs to them that I can just go home and bad mouth the place, and do the campus far more damage in the long run by giving them so much bad publicity) And inspite of my assurances to the contrary I was prevented from going on the trip.

Well, that day I recieved apologies from Anna Grady and Paula Charbannou (Paula is the CD's secretary and Anna is the administrative director) who both knew me well enough not to do something so self depricating. And they both agreed that the situation had been handled inappropriately. To top it off, the Center Director, Mr. Chris Kuhn actually apologized to me as well, agreeing fully that I would have represented this campus well. He cited the time time when I got up in front of the Addison County Senators and Representatives at a luncheon a few months back. I had a ton of notes and he was nervous about what I would say. But I asked about overdevelopment concerns in the Addison County area (Where the Northlands Center is located) and Mr. Kuhn was impressed. He's also praised me numerous times for my creating the campus news paper, and having my picture in the Addison Eagle. (Local county news)

So, I've tried to control my temper this last week. But I made it clear to Joe Tucker that he'd better watch it the next time I'm in earshot, and he decides to tell one of his sexually explicit jokes. (which he did on a platinum trip a while back)Because this time I'll write a sexual harrassment complaint against him.

I'll still be able to go to North Grafton, it just won't be for a little while. I decided next month would be best, since it gives myself and the people involved time to reflect on what has been done. Naturally I'm the only one doing any reflecting. The people responsible for me not going don't see anything wrong with what they did. Again, I fall back on the fact that the Center Director not only praised my accomplisments and what I've done for this center, he also apologized on behalf of his staff.

The 27th of May I'll be going to Alabama for a week with my parents and Mollie. My mother badly wants to get a picture of Me, Mollie, and our brothers all in one shot. I also want to meet my niece. I think it goes without saying that I desperately need this vacation away from this place.

Wish me luck over the next few weeks. How I deal with people may determine whether I get to go to Grafton the next time.

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