Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Aug. 15th, 2005

Today I mourn the final passing of my dear watch. It was a faithful little watch, capable of telling time in two different timezones, with an analogous set of hands, and a little light switch that allowed me to see Father Time's cold and icy grip slowly leaching away my life force.

*sniff, sniff*

I had that little thing for a year and a half and it breaks my heart to lose it. It passed away in the middle of the night, although when exactly I can't say.


Well, today's payline. Though it'll be a while before I can buy a new watch. Actually I may just stop the fucking dramatics and buy the battery for the one I have, but I honestly wonder which would be cheaper and less time consuming.

In other news, I am considering transfering to the Loring Job Corps Center in Limestone, Maine. Remember my plans to go to Maine last year? Well, this may be the way to go about doing it. Plus the center caters more to the adult population than it does to the brats, or so I'm told.

I may go for the Web Design trade, since it compliments the Business Trade nicely. And in fact that is what I said in the letter that I wrote last week. Now the center director needs to put her own input into it, (Although I regret saying not saying this sooner, I wish Chris Kuhn were still here. At least I'd be guaranteed that he'd put in a good word for me at this other center, maybe I'll look into that) and then it gets faxed up to Limestone and they decide if they want me.

Maybe I'll see if I can get a few people to put in a word about my calliber. It couldn't hurt I guess.
Current Mood: Mentally drained
Current Music: If it makes you Happy ~ Sheryl Crow

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