Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nov. 8th, 2005

More updates.

Also, Daryll is sending me some artwork I can use to spiff up the site. I'm going to use it in Daryll's Artwork so I can finally get that link out of the way.

Since this is largely an autobiographical site it may not seem like such a big deal. But right now it's more of an exercise in applying what I've learned in practical terms. If I can pull off this really decent website then I can do other better things as well.

Also, I plan on marketing all of the books I publish at through this website. Since alot of the more successful author websites are done by the authors themselves I figure this is the best way to promote my work and gain new readers.

I still need to get in contact with my brother Alex to see if it's all right for me to put pictures of his daughter and wife online. It's easy to say he wouldn't mind, but I want to show him that I respect his privacy and the privacy of his family by getting permission directly from him.

That's another reason my siblings page is a little behind. Charlie, Quinn and Mollie are all minors, and I can't put their photos up without permission from parental units. Fortunately with Mollie it's just a matter of asking Mom and Dave. But I have to write to Charlie and Quinn (which isn't a problem) and they need to ask their dad if it's all right. (And he and I haven't exactly been on communicative terms lately)

I know it seems like a lot of trouble to go through for a few lousy photos. But it's something I need to do. Anyone who knows me well enough knows how much I love my family and how much it would please me to show off my brothers and sister to anyone who wants to know. Plus it's a way for me to get over my homesickness, which I find gets stronger when I think about them too much.

In other news we have a three day weekend coming up for Veteran's Day. So I won't be able to update the site on Friday. Thursday I'm a booked agent.

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