Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jun. 22nd, 2005

Last night I was off to dreamland when my RA opens the door, turns on the light (Which was right above me incidentally since I slept on top bunk) and asked me if I still wanted a single room. He might as well have asked me if I wanted to go on a 20,000 dollar shopping spree at the mall and spend the night in Clay Aiken's house recieving oral ple-er, I mean singing lessons from the American Idol.

So I spent an hour that I should have been spending sleeping moving stuff from my old room into my very own single bedroom. It's in desperate need of a sweep and a mop and there's enough dust on the windosills to make three or four Adams, but it's perfect. I have my own little bureau which I put all my books and crap on. I have a little throw rug and the bed is so soft I slept through most of the night without waking up once...accept for having to pee real badly at one point, gotta stop so much water.

Also, the room is located right across the hall from the shower. So no more long walks to the shower room every morning which takes about twenty seconds out of my morning. (This is an eternity considering I often have to let the shower water run before it gets warm enough to be tolerable)

Among the other perks: No more roommate who can't properly apply sunscreen keeping me awake all night. No more roommate complaining that the fan is making too cold when it's hot enough to make a pan of fucking muffins just by leaving the mix and the tray on the floor. And no more depending on roommate to help the room clean so we can get 20's on our room scores all week.

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