Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mar. 1st, 2006

Why is it fanfiction writers can never respect it when an author asks them to stop writing fanfiction about her own characters? Yes, I'm dropping the subtlty so I can talk about Anne Rice.

Anne Rice is a wonderful writer. She has had her following since before the Internet was even a glimmer in Al Gore's eye (joking). Her following comes from her ability to weave a beautiful story into a world of eroticism, the supernatural and timelessness.

She doesn't need fanfiction to help her following along!

That said, she has made a reasonable request that fanfiction not be written on her characters. Do people listen? No, as certain inconsiderate people on can prove.

If you ask some guy with a camera not to take pictures of you and your kids, should they respect your wishes? What would you do if they went ahead and did it anyway? You'd probably press charges on the grounds of harassment, which you'd be in your rights to do because no one has the right to invade your privacy like that.

True. Anne Rice cannot stop anyone from writing fanfiction in secret. But she is not the only author out there to make that request. She is one of a dozen or so novelists who do not like people writing stories about their characters.

So if the readers are truly her "fans", they will respect her wishes. And if not they can deal with the cosnequences and I will not feel one iota of sympathy towards them.

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